Studio My Tyme

Is Yoga for You

Yoga 33 • 12th Feb, 19

Is Yoga for You


Yoga is an ancient art form, developed in India between 3000 to 5000 years ago. It is a practice that “awakens” the physical, mental and spiritual body.

There is a fallacy about Yoga, being a practice where people sit in weird positions, humming and chanting in a strange language (Sanskrit).

It is believed that Yoga is a “Science of the body”.  It strengthens the physical body with various postures (asanas), controls the mind and enhances the spirit with breathing and mediation.

There are diverse forms of Yoga from various held postures to postures that flow from one to another.  It can also be done in a heated room.

Yoga is for everyone from little children to the elderly.  It all depends what kind of yoga one is introduced to.  Before attempting to attend a class, do your research.  Speak to various people who are practising yoga.  You may get positive and negative opinions. Remember it’s their views.  Some may just simply love Yoga and are practicing it for years and others who may have attempted it may just have had a bad experience or went to a class that is not for their body constitution.

Doing yoga is not about mastering the postures and how good you are, but it’s the journey to find your abilities, strengths and weaknesses in the various postures (asanas).

Yoga is done barefoot, with comfortable clothes.  No need to spend a fortune on exercise gear.

Most Yoga schools have yoga mats and the necessary equipments, which you can use or rent at a minimum charge.  It’s best to have your own yoga mat and necessary equipments, it pays off in the longer run. 

In most Yoga school the Sanskrit words are used to describe a posture with an English meaning to the word.

The classes may vary from an hour to an hour and  a half.

It is advisable not to eat a big meal 2 to 3 hours before your class and if you need to eat have something very light.

BEAR IN MIND:  Just as it’s your first class, dont feel alone all the others had a first too.                                                       

By:  Lilly R-Hastie

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