Studio My Tyme

The Body knows Best

General Posts • 26th Apr, 19

The Body knows Best

The body knows Best


I need to share this insight.  I have in the past months been gaining weight, which has been bugging me a lot. I started eating wholesome foods, cutting out sugar and junk foods.  This did not make   any difference. People that I have had a chance to vent my frustrations to, have also been experiencing the same thing. This morning the penny dropped – Mother Earth has been going through a fevered detoxification, with the change in weather patterns, high winds, solar flares, heavy rains, droughts etc. Yes us being a part of the whole we humans have also been affected and for me if I had not gained weight, I would note have survived the turmoil.  My point is that the body is very intelligent and if we give it a chance, to do what it does best and not let our EGO to interfere, we could save ourselves a lot of pain. 

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