Studio My Tyme

Corona Virus

General Posts • 29th Mar, 20

Corona Virus



“COVID-19” sounds so much like military operation or a secret mission. This time it’s not man against man but the force of nature against humanity. Humans have forgotten that we are part of the animal kingdom instead we have made ourselves “King of the Jungle” and used our power to ravage and destroy all that makes up the fine balance of our eco system.

We have destroyed acres and acres of the rain forest, over exploited and polluted our oceans, resulting in various species becoming extinct. The human population instead has increased from 1 billion to over 7.6 billion the last 100 years.

We have caused so much harm to our environment resulting in “global warming”. Global warming is defined as a rise in atmospheric temperate.  How does this occur, it’s the over emission of Carbon Di-oxide (CO2), greenhouse gasses and other air pollutants.  One of the disasters with global warming is the melting of the ice caps, exposing toxins and other diseases that has been frozen for centuries.

With the poor or no laws governing the hunting, exporting, consuming and keepinmg of wild animals in cages has caused virus to be transmitted from animals to human. Like the Avian Virus, Ebola Virus Disease, Salmonellas Disease, Novel Corona Virus to name a few. Once humans come into contact with these virus or disease it’s easily spread from one human to another.

This is just a start we really and truly need to take a deep look at what we as a species are doing to the planet.

This is what humanity has to deal with currently the spread of "Corona Virus".

Humans are currently on lockdown that is we are being isolated.  A time to redeem ourselves or be destroyed as a species.




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